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Year 11 Parents' Event 

Thursday 23rd January 2025.

Making Appointments

The school uses an online appointment booking system. This allows you to choose your appointment times with your childs subject teachers and receive an email confirming your appointment times. The system will allocate 5 minutes per appointment and will provide an opportunity for parents to talk to subject teachers about their child’s current progress.

Please visit to register. Once registered you can book your appointments when the event goes live on the website at 6pm on Wednesday 15th January 2025 until it closes on Monday 20th January 2025 at 8pm.

Appointments are available from 3:30pm to 5pm and from 5:30pm to 7pm.

As part of the evening you will also be able to see the GCSE Art exhibition held in the Studio School Canteen. If your child takes an Art based subject their appointment will be in the Studio school, so you may want to consider making this appointment the first or last one, as all other appointments are in the main hall of the High School.

Students are not required to attend the meetings, but it may be beneficial for them to hear the key points on progress, attainment and achievement.

At this watershed moment in your child’s life it is important we build on the positives and eradicate where possible the negatives, we can only do this if we work together and build on the success we have already achieved.

Heather Johnson

Head of School

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